Sell Your Music Worldwide For Free

Get your music on Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok and more, with our free plan. Keep 100% ownership of your music and stay in control of your career.

Riverstarz offers a complete solution for music distribution and marketing, providing advertising, in-house services, and support for artists and producers to achieve success. With favorable terms, daily insights, and a focus on global reach, Riverstarz is your partner for music success.

Complete music solutions
Effective marketing
Favorable terms
Personal support
Our Services

Complete Music Solutions To Offset Your Music Career

Music Distribution

Delivery of music to online platforms, record stores, and streaming services.

Marketing and Promotion

Strategies and tactics to increase awareness, interest, and sales of music.

Branding and Strategy

Development and implementation of a unique brand image and marketing plan.

Music Publishing

Administration of musical compositions' rights, licensing, and royalty collection.

Artist and Label Development

Cultivating and nurturing the growth of artists and record labels through industry connections and resources.

Join Our Music Network

Become a part of the Riverstarz Music Entertainment community and connect with talented artists and music producers from around the world.

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Stay Ahead of Your Music's Performance with Riverstarz

Track your music's performance globally
Stay informed with detailed data

Riverstarz Music Entertainment's Performance Tracker provides you with valuable insights into your music's performance across platforms and countries. Get information on streaming numbers, download data, and listener demographics to make informed decisions and take your music career to the next level.

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+254 7500 15551

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